
Systematix Chemical Engineers

Systematix Company is a dba for CFM Enterprises, Inc., founded by C.F. “Chubb” Michaud as a California Corporation in 1982. Our business is water purification products and services with a primary focus on filter media, activated carbon and ion exchange technologies. Systematix Company also manufactures a complete line of proprietary 10 and 20 inch cartridges for water filtration and purification under the Aqualine™ Cartridge label and select in-lines for small lab systems. Systematix prides itself on having the right products AND the right know-how to solve your water treatment problems.

Systematix Products

Systematix can meet your water treatment needs thanks to its more than 25 years of practical experience in plant designs and water treatment methods. No undertaking is too small. Our expertise is in recycling and reducing water usage for commercial and residential applications. For portable exchange softening plants and plating rinse waters, inquire about the patented “Zero D.”

Water Works can be accessed at one of our four convenient locations:

Denver Metro:


Northern Colorado:


Colorado Springs Metro:


Pueblo and S Colorado:
